Sports Drinks & Weight Loss

Sports drinks such as harlo are a great way to replenish electrolytes, glucose, and fluids (sodium potassium calcium magnesium) that you lose through sweating during strenuous activity. Many sports drinks also contain B vitamin, which is associated with increased levels of energy.


A sports drink must contain a balance of water and carbohydrates to be effective. Carbohydrates give energy to the muscles and prevent glycogen depletion when exercising for long periods. Most of the carbohydrate in a sports drink is glucose, although other sugars may be used as well.


Most athletes prefer glucose because of its rapid digestion and low cost. It is also an isotonic carbohydrate. Other sugars, polysaccharides and other carbohydrates are also well tolerated by the body during exercise. Among these are sucrose, maltodextrin and corn syrup solids. The carbohydrate amount in a sports drinks is chosen to optimize the taste of the beverage, and to provide adequate energy for prolonged exercise.

Sports drinks can be isotonic (4-8g CHO/100ml), hypotonic (6-12g CHO/100ml) or hypertonic (16+g CHO/100ml). Isotonic sports drinks are the most effective at providing rehydration, energy and rehydration during activity. They are also quickly absorbed. Hypertonic and Hypotonic drinks absorb slower and should only be consumed by athletes who are concerned about dehydration.

Many sports drinks contain electrolytes to increase hydration and carbohydrate absorption. The most common electrolytes in a sports drink are sodium and potassium. Sodium increases the sensation of thirst and aids fluid retention during exercise, while potassium assists muscle contractions. Most sports drinks contain essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium magnesium and zinc.

These nutrients can be added to enhance performance but are not essential for most athletes. Moreover, they can contribute to the taste of a sports drink and therefore have some trade-offs with the desired functional characteristics of the product.

Most recreational athletes can get their energy and carbohydrate requirements met with plain water. These drinks are cheaper and can be easily carried in a pocket or backpack. They are usually available at supermarkets, health-food stores and convenience shops.


In addition to water, sports drinks contain electrolytes, including sodium and potassium. These minerals are essential for the body to maintain a fluid balance, normal blood pressure, and muscle contractions. They also transmit electrical signals throughout the entire body and control important bodily functions such as nerve impulses, heart rhythm and other important functions. Athletes and people who sweat a lot can lose electrolytes. Sports drinks are designed to replace lost electrolytes.

It depends on your intensity and the duration of your exercise whether you require a sports beverage. A person who exercises moderately for up to an hour or less will probably need only water. If you’re exercising in hot or humid weather or if your workout is very long or intense, you may need a sports drink to replenish both your carbohydrate and electrolyte levels.

Sports drinks are generally formulated to provide a carbohydrate concentration of 6- 8%. This high concentration is necessary to allow the drink to be easily absorbed by the stomach. Carbohydrates can improve performance in a wide range of exercises by providing a fuel source for the muscles and the brain.

Gatorade’s original purpose was to replenish electrolytes and carbohydrates in athletes performing high-intensity exercises. Most sports drinks today are marketed towards anyone who is interested in improving performance. However, research shows most people who like to be active don’t work out long enough or intensely for them to need a sport drink.

The majority of us can get our carbohydrates and electrolytes through our diets without having to consume sports drinks with added sugar. A balanced diet includes fruits and vegetables, dairy products, whole grains, lean meats and seafood, and whole grains. If you do want to try a sports drink, consider buying one that’s lower in calories and contains no sugar or artificial sweeteners.


Sports drinks can be consumed before, after and during athletic activities to replenish electrolytes levels and fuel working muscles. They contain carbohydrates and a small amount of electrolytes, usually sodium, potassium and chloride, and come in a variety of fruit-related flavors. They contain moderate amounts sugar, usually from dextrose, fructose or honey, and water. Most sports drinks are primarily made of water. The water has been filtered and is treated to remove any undesirable flavors and to enhance its taste.

Carbohydrates are used to provide energy during exercise and to prevent hyponatremia (low sodium levels) during prolonged activities. Most commercial sports beverages contain 6-8g/L of carbohydrates in the form maltodextrin and glucose polymers. These are less sweet and allow higher concentrations of carbohydrates without affecting their palatability. Carbohydrates can be dissolved in a mixture with monopotassium chloride and citric acid, and then flavorings added. The citric acid provides tartness and increases the palatability of sports drinks by masking its bland taste. Monopotassium phosphate also plays a role in the balance of sports drinks.

Flavors are a key factor in the acceptance of sports drinks as they are the primary contributor to voluntary fluid consumption. The flavor of sports drinks can be influenced by the type and concentration of carbohydrates, electrolyte concentration, acidulant, and flavoring components. It is important to also consider the dynamic behavior in oral processing of the sports drink, as this can change the flavor perception during and following exercise.

In a survey involving 22 brands of sports drinks, consumers preferred the aromas white peach, mandarin, passiflora, and lemon. The survey also revealed that the taste of sports drinks was primarily affected by the sourness and saltiness attributes.

The sourness of sports drinks can be manipulated by increasing the concentration of citric acid or by adding calcium carbonate, which neutralizes the sourness. Other ingredients can also be used to modulate the sourness, such as malic or citric acids, which have a more fruity taste than citric acid.


The beverage aisle is a kaleidoscope of colors, flavors and labels. Serious athletes or anyone exercising in hot and humid conditions may find a sports drink can help them replace water and electrolytes lost in sweat, as well as provide carbohydrate calories to fuel muscles. The extra calories in sports drinks may not be helpful if you are trying to lose weight.

The carbohydrate content of a sports beverage is not only important for its taste, but it also provides energy to help muscles contract and the brain function when exercising. They typically make up 6-8% of a sport drink. Concentrations above this limit may delay gastric emptying when exercising.

A sports drink contains carbohydrates as well as sodium, potassium andphosphorous. Potassium and Phosphorus are essential for muscle contractions, while sodium encourages fluid intake and maintains plasma volume. Most sports drinks contain between 35 and 200 mg of sodium per eight ounces.

Sodium is important in the formulation of a sports drink because it improves taste, stimulates voluntary fluid intake, enhances water absorption and increases glycogen replacement during exercise, and it can help prevent water intoxication or hyponatremia (low sodium in the blood). The amount sodium in a sport drink depends on the duration and climate of the sport.

Sugars in a sports drink are metabolized quickly during exercise and can have a different impact depending on whether they’re consumed before, during or after a workout or race. If you drink sports drinks before exercising, the sugars are converted into fat and stored in adipose tissues. If you drink a sports beverage during or immediately following exercise, the sugars go straight to your muscle cells, where they will be used as fuel, and not stored in fat cells. It’s still best to only drink a sports beverage during or immediately after exercise.