5 Popular Types Of Promo Products

When it comes to brand awareness, wearing promotional products are the top choice. Consumers recall 85% of gifts they received. Wearables and apparel are also the most memorable. Aside from providing a lasting impression, promotional items can also expand brand awareness. So which are the most popular promo products? Let’s explore each one.


Wearable promotional products

Passive marketing is easy with promotional wearables like shirts, hats, and umbrellas and even swim caps such as yorkn.ca/product/adult-swim-cap/. Studies show that almost half of consumers still wear custom t-shirts after two years. One $20 jacket has a CPI value of three-tenths to a cent, and it has been viewed over 6,000 times over its lifetime. These jackets are a great way to promote upcoming events and build brand awareness. There are many ways to market your company using wearable promotional items.


A well-designed promo shirt will help spread the company’s message and attract new clients. It should be visually appealing and easily noticeable to passersby. It is crucial to choose a durable and wearable t-shirt. Material selection should be based on wearability and climate conditions. Cotton is the most popular choice because it is breathable and suitable for all climates. It is also comfortable to wear.


A custom-made calendar will keep you business in front potential customers for a whole year. This 12-month investment is almost negligible. You can also place your promotional calendar near the register at your business, and customers will likely glance at it several times a day. Calendars can be viewed multiple times per day due to their long life cycle. Your logo, business name, and message will appear prominently on the calendar.


USBs are great promotional products in many different industries. These devices are great for sharing information such resumes, portfolios, etc. They can be used for giveaways, networking events, and fundraising. These versatile devices are extremely useful in every industry, including healthcare. The healthcare industry uses USB flash drives to market new products and services. In this case, companies place digital catalogs of their latest products on USB flash drives. These devices are then sent to potential and existing clients. In some cases, these products even double as USB brochures, which entice clients to visit a website.

Corporate gifts

The use of corporate gifts in marketing campaigns has many benefits. First, they increase the likelihood that people will spend money on a company. The more the corporate gift is personalized, the more likely a person will be to spend money with it. Corporate gifts are a great way to increase employee loyalty. This is especially important when it comes time to recruit new employees. A gift personalized with the company logo or name keeps the recipient connected to the company’s values.